Fair Financial Services
Texans deserve a financial services market that boosts financial well-being and is grounded in fair and ethical products and practices. A fair financial services market benefits the bottom line of Texans and supports local economies. Our scope of work is dynamic, based in an ever-changing economic market, but our values remain consistent. We advocate for just and equitable solutions to problems that negatively impact the financial well-being of Texans, such as predatory payday and auto title lending, harmful debt collection practices, economic abuse, and other financial challenges. We also advocate for opportunities regarding emerging financial products and services. We work with community, statewide, and national partners to ground our work in local needs and expand our impact through collaborative efforts. Communities most devastated by economic injustices are too often low-income communities and communities of color. We recognize the need to remedy the systemic legacies of discrimination in our financial systems in support of economic opportunity.