2017 Legislative Priority: Enhance Protections in Texas Law to Better Identify, Prevent and Prosecute Elder Financial Abuse
Stay up-to-date on our top priorities during the 85th Legislative Session. This issue falls under our Fair Financial Services work:
When someone is no longer able to manage their own money or property due to age, illness or another factor, they hope that they have entrusted their money to someone who is financially responsible and ethical. But, we know that abuse and exploitation occurs. Texas Appleseed supports creating better systems for financial service providers to report and, where appropriate, temporarily hold funds in instances that appear to be financial abuse. We also advocate for training on identifying financial abuse for employees at financial institutions, money transmitters, and securities firms. In addition, Texas Appleseed supports implementing a data reporting process to assess areas where current standards need to be improved so that vulnerable populations in Texas are effectively protected against financial abuse.
For a full list of our priorities, click here.