2017 Legislative Priority: Eliminate Criminal Convictions and Fines for Juvenile Class C Misdemeanors
Stay up-to-date on our top priorities during the 85th Legislative Session. This issue falls under our Children & Youth work.
While the number of Class C charges filed against juveniles has dropped dramatically in the wake of 2013 reforms that eliminated ticketing of schoolchildren for minor misbehavior, for the more than 60,000 youth who are charged, the consequences are still severe. A Class C conviction results in high fines and a criminal record that can haunt youth well into adulthood, posing a barrier to college, housing and jobs. Texas should do for these remaining Class Cs what was done for truancy last session, so that the process more closely mirrors what young people experience when they are charged with higher level offenses in the juvenile system.
For a full list of our priorities, click here.